Welcome, friend
Last updated: 7 September 2012
Note: ETS are not currently selling tracts. However, if you would like some free tracts from our stock which remains, you can come and pick them up from our office, or pay for postage only.
Please read the letter from our chair of trustees below to find out about our new direction.
The Evangelical Tract Society
c/o St. John’s Wood Road Baptist Church
39 St. John’s Wood Road
London NW8 8QX
020 72895468
07838 382257
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dear Customers,
We are writing to you to let you know about two major changes in the working of ETS:
We have moved our office to the above address
We have decided to stop selling tracts and give them away instead!
(Please read on for more information)
For many years the Evangelical Tract Society has sought to produce gospel literature to help Christians in the sharing of their faith. Sadly, over the past ten-to-fifteen years, the number of tracts sold has reduced significantly, to the point where it is no longer viable for us to employ someone to deal with orders, or for us to stockpile the large number of tracts needed for us to continue as before. So, following much consideration and much prayer, we have decided to change our ways. We thank you for your support in the past, and we pray that you will continue to find blessing and encouragement in using our tracts in your witness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, you see, we have not decided to shut up shop! Instead we have decided to go in a bold new direction! Rather than continue to print tracts and sell them to you, we are moving to a system whereby the tracts can be accessed for free! Via our new website www.ets-online.org.uk (still under construction) you will be able download the tracts that you require and either print them yourself at home, or take them to a professional printer and have him print them for you.
There are several real benefits in producing tracts in this way. Firstly, it cuts out the middleman, thus considerably reducing the cost of the tracts. Secondly, it enables our customers to instantly access any tract they want. Thirdly, it enables everyone to print their own details on any tract they produce. And, finally, it enables us to hold a wider selection of tracts, without having to find extra storage space for any of them!
For those of you who still want to purchase ready-to-go tracts, we are looking to collaborate with a Christian publisher, who will sell them to you directly. Once this partnership has been established, we will write to you again.
Alongside this new way of producing tracts, we are setting up a tract grant fund. Churches who are looking to kick-start evangelism, plant a new church or perhaps organise a mission week, will be able to apply to ETS for a free tracts grant. Anyone applying for such a grant will need to tell us what their plans are, and how many of which tracts they would like. The ETS trustees will then assess each application and make tract grants accordingly.
Note This new direction will mean that ETS will stop selling tracts from December 31st 2011. We do still have stock of various titles, but we encourage you to purchase them very soon, while they are still available! They can be purchased online via tracts.weebly.com, either with the enclosed order form, or by phone. Stocks are running low, so early contact is recommended.
Thank you again for all your support over the years. We hope and pray that our new direction will be both a benefit and a blessing to you as you continue with us to seek to make known the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yours faithfully,
Chris Hawthorne (Chair of Trustees)
Watch this video and see just why tracts can be so powerfully used by God: http://www.freecdtracts.com/testimony_11.htm
"I find 'You Matter To God' is so helpful to give. Most people take them. It is so personal" (Mrs M.E. Goold).
We at Evangelical Tract Society are here to provide you with Biblical, high quality, affordable tracts with readable text and colourful layouts.
It is the cry of our hearts here that God will stir up His people to hold out the bread of life to those who are perishing, more and more as the Day of his return approaches. If our tracts can help you to do this and bring about the salvation of one more lost sheep, we will truly rejoice with you and the angels on that Day.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Posterous. Click links below to the right...
Note: ETS are not currently selling tracts. However, if you would like some free tracts from our stock which remains, you can come and pick them up from our office, or pay for postage only.
Please read the letter from our chair of trustees below to find out about our new direction.
The Evangelical Tract Society
c/o St. John’s Wood Road Baptist Church
39 St. John’s Wood Road
London NW8 8QX
020 72895468
07838 382257
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dear Customers,
We are writing to you to let you know about two major changes in the working of ETS:
We have moved our office to the above address
We have decided to stop selling tracts and give them away instead!
(Please read on for more information)
For many years the Evangelical Tract Society has sought to produce gospel literature to help Christians in the sharing of their faith. Sadly, over the past ten-to-fifteen years, the number of tracts sold has reduced significantly, to the point where it is no longer viable for us to employ someone to deal with orders, or for us to stockpile the large number of tracts needed for us to continue as before. So, following much consideration and much prayer, we have decided to change our ways. We thank you for your support in the past, and we pray that you will continue to find blessing and encouragement in using our tracts in your witness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, you see, we have not decided to shut up shop! Instead we have decided to go in a bold new direction! Rather than continue to print tracts and sell them to you, we are moving to a system whereby the tracts can be accessed for free! Via our new website www.ets-online.org.uk (still under construction) you will be able download the tracts that you require and either print them yourself at home, or take them to a professional printer and have him print them for you.
There are several real benefits in producing tracts in this way. Firstly, it cuts out the middleman, thus considerably reducing the cost of the tracts. Secondly, it enables our customers to instantly access any tract they want. Thirdly, it enables everyone to print their own details on any tract they produce. And, finally, it enables us to hold a wider selection of tracts, without having to find extra storage space for any of them!
For those of you who still want to purchase ready-to-go tracts, we are looking to collaborate with a Christian publisher, who will sell them to you directly. Once this partnership has been established, we will write to you again.
Alongside this new way of producing tracts, we are setting up a tract grant fund. Churches who are looking to kick-start evangelism, plant a new church or perhaps organise a mission week, will be able to apply to ETS for a free tracts grant. Anyone applying for such a grant will need to tell us what their plans are, and how many of which tracts they would like. The ETS trustees will then assess each application and make tract grants accordingly.
Note This new direction will mean that ETS will stop selling tracts from December 31st 2011. We do still have stock of various titles, but we encourage you to purchase them very soon, while they are still available! They can be purchased online via tracts.weebly.com, either with the enclosed order form, or by phone. Stocks are running low, so early contact is recommended.
Thank you again for all your support over the years. We hope and pray that our new direction will be both a benefit and a blessing to you as you continue with us to seek to make known the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yours faithfully,
Chris Hawthorne (Chair of Trustees)
Watch this video and see just why tracts can be so powerfully used by God: http://www.freecdtracts.com/testimony_11.htm
"I find 'You Matter To God' is so helpful to give. Most people take them. It is so personal" (Mrs M.E. Goold).
We at Evangelical Tract Society are here to provide you with Biblical, high quality, affordable tracts with readable text and colourful layouts.
It is the cry of our hearts here that God will stir up His people to hold out the bread of life to those who are perishing, more and more as the Day of his return approaches. If our tracts can help you to do this and bring about the salvation of one more lost sheep, we will truly rejoice with you and the angels on that Day.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Posterous. Click links below to the right...